Subject: world war I propaganda SND Author: Hermes1013 Uploaded By: Hermes1013 Date: 1/13/1998 File: ships.sys7 (84880 bytes) Estimated Download Time (912 baud): < 26 minutes Download Count: 278 Equipment: Macintosh; SoundEffects 0.9.2 Needs: MacOS7.x/Sound Playing App/AOL 2.x-3.0 Keywords: Loose Lips **** LIBRARY: MMS/Sound Samples Libraries/Historical Samples A bit of the propaganda from WW I. The term "Loose lips sink ships", was used to convince the masses not to talk about U.S. plans to any one. I recorded this message with heavy aspiration on the "s," then slowed it down. It sounds really cool/ funny. Enjoy... Sample Quality: **** ==================== Macintosh Music & Sound Forum Keyword MMS Checked for viruses with Virex 5.8 from Datawatch. (KJ)